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Journal : Open Access DRIVERset

Penggunaan Biochar dan Tinggi Muka Air pada Umur Satu Bulan setelah Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah Susilawati Susilawati; Irmawati Irmawati; Sri Sukarmi; Astuti Kurnianingsih; Ade Mutia
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 8 No. 2 (2019): JLSO
Publisher : Research Center for Suboptimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.8.2.2019.451


Susilawati S, Irmawati I, Sukarmi S, Kurnianingsih A, Mutia A. 2019. The application of biochar and water table at one month after planting on growth and yield of shallot. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands. 8(2):202-212. The success of onion self-sufficiency is the arrangement and growth of production centers that are not only concentrated in Java. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of biochar application and water table treatment on growth and yield of shallot plant. The research was conducted in Experimental Farm of Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University at 2019. Materials used consisted of shallot bulb of Bima Brebes variety, oil palm shells biochar, paper bag, and plastic bag. While the tools used were hoe, gauge, pH meter, basin, scale, and oven. Factorial Randomized Block Design was used with two factors and three replicates. The first factor was biochar dosages consisting of P1 (51 g/plant) and P2 (102 g/plant) and the second factor was soil water table consisting of T0 (no water table treatment), T1 (10 cm of water table below soil surface), T2 (15 cm of water table below soil surface) and T3 (30 cm of water table below soil surface). The observed parameters included plant height, leaf number, tiller number, total bulb fresh weight, bulb fresh weight, bulb dry weight and root length. Results showed that the application of biochar and water table treatment statistically affected the growth and yield of shallot plant. The effect on both growth and yield parameters were obtained from the combination of P2T3. Correlation was found between plant height and leaf number, total bulb fresh weight and bulb fresh weight.
Co-Authors Abu Umayah Ade Mutia Ahyuna Ahyuna Amin Purnawan Andi Muh Farid Parenrengi Andika Tiara Sukma Annis Noviana Rahmat Annisa Pratiwi Ardi Hidayat Ariadi Ariadi Aris Doyan Arsi Arsi Askahar Askahar Astuti Kurnianingsih Astuti Lestari Ayu Safrianti Ayusari Wahyuni Bambang Gunawan Basse Siang Parawansa Chandra Buana Chandra Irsan Darmawan, M Deni Surapto Dewi Rahmadhani Dewi Setiawati Dr. Susilawati Susilawati Dwi Fajriyati Inaku Edy Susanto Erizal Sodikin Farida Sitepu Febrisi Dwita Fina Diana Firdaus Sulaiman Fitra Gustiar, Fitra Fitri Rahayu A Gunawan Ade Putra Sihite Haris H Harman Hamidson Hindun Nur "Aisyah Husain, Aghnaita Husnul Hotimah Hutapea, Bilferi Indra Advent Simamora Inggit Garnasih Kemal, Isthifa Ketrin R Manullang Kevin Christian Bakkit P Kevin Christian BP Khodijah Khodijah La Nalefo La Nalefo Leony Agustine Lily Herawati Luluk Faristha Putri Lutfatun Nisa’ M Rafii F M Umar Harun M. Agung Algifaari Maimun Paus Mandala Faldini Marhatang Marhatang Mariah Mariah Marniati Marniati Marsum Marsum Mawardi Djamaluddin Mudinillah, Adam Muhamad Syukri Sadimantara Muhammad Ammar Muhammad Basir Muhammad Hasbi Muhammad Ramadhan Muhammad Umar Harun Mursyid Risma Nofi Cahyanto Narew, Ignasius Nikin Hardati, Ratna Nita Rukminasari Nitia Mantasya Norhasanah Norhasanah Nunung Brahma Apriana Nur Rahmah Nuraeni Nuraeni Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurliani Nurliani Nurlina Nurlina R, Asmuliani R. Sahedhy Noor SK Rahmat Ilyas Rahmayani Rahmayani Resda Brahma Alam Riana Nurhayati Rini Supiyati Rusdiaman Rauf Safitri Safari Wulandari Sardianti, Andi Lelanovita Sidiq Permono Nugroho Siti Masrochah Siti Saroh Sri Hermuningsih Sri Lestari Sri Sukarmi Suarti suarti Suharto Suharto Suparman SHK Susilawati Susilawati Suwandi Suwandi Tatik Melinda Tallulembang Teguh Achadi Ucuk Darusalam Wahidin Wahidin Wahyu Gandi G Wardah Nabila Winda Permatasari Yansen Alberth Reba YULIA PUJIASTUTI Yusran Nur Indar Zaidan Zaidan